a happy couple that wears Continous Glucose Monitor smiling

Get the answers you need about Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) – from their usage, coverage, and more!

Who should use a Continuous Glucose Monitor?

CGMs are typically used by individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes to monitor their blood sugar levels more conveniently and accurately. Your healthcare provider can determine if a CGM is the right choice for you.

Is the insertion of the sensor painful?

Most people find the sensor insertion process relatively painless, as it involves a small, quick application process. Depending on the device, the sensor placement can be on your belly or arm.

Can I share my CGM data with others?

Yes, many CGMs can share your glucose data with up to 10 followers or caregivers. This feature can be especially helpful for ensuring support and immediate assistance when needed.

How long do CGMs last?

CGM sensors are typically worn for a specific duration, often a few weeks, depending on the brand and model. You'll need to replace the sensor after the specified period. Check your device's user manual for precise details.

About Insurance Coverage

Is CGM covered by insurance?

Yes, most insurance plans cover CGMs, but verifying with your insurance provider to confirm eligibility and coverage details is essential.

What documents are necessary for insurance coverage?

To obtain insurance coverage for a CGM, you'll typically need to provide a doctor's prescription and proof of purchase or rental from a supplier enrolled with Medicare.

Will I have to pay something out of pocket for a CGM?

Typically, there is little to no out-of-pocket cost to you. Many insurance plans cover CGMs with minimal expenses, and some plans have no deductible or co-pay. However, it's advisable to consult with your insurance provider to confirm your specific costs, if any.

How often is a CGM covered by insurance?

Coverage frequencies may vary depending on your insurance plan. Most plans cover CGMs at regular intervals, often every few months or when medically necessary. It's advisable to contact your insurance provider to determine your specific coverage frequency.